Grace Youth
Train up a child in the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it.
We believe that true flourishing comes from learning how to be rooted in Christ. Our Youth team counts it a privilege to be a part of many journeys of faith!
Mobilise is our Sunday morning group for 11+. Our passion is for our young people to grow in faith, fellowship and to feel they belong in our church. We get involved in lots of different events throughout the year, including;
NewDay https://www.newdaygeneration.org/
SPREE https://swym.org.uk/spree-sw/
and termly Gathering events https://thegathering-devon.co.uk/
Our monthly rhythm for Sunday’s is as follows:
We meet on Friday nights for toasties, chat, fun and games. Do get in touch if you want to find out more information: susy@gracechurchexeter.org