The Story So Far

We are a church that cares about our city and sharing life together. Some of us are working in education, business, law, retail, coffee shops and charities. Others are studying, retired or raising children.

We began life as Frontiers Church Exeter in 2003 when Andy and Jane Arscott moved to the city to start a Newfrontiers church.

As in any family, we have seen lots of change, with many people joining us and something of a baby boom. We are predominantly made up of students, 20s and 30s, with many children and a number of wise older members.

We have met in various venues around the city as we have grown and have needed different places to meet. We believe that church is about people, not buildings, but have enjoyed using The Maynard School, Magdalen Court School, and most recently The Hall and Isca School for our Sunday gatherings.

In 2012, Andy handed the leadership of the church to Stu Alred, an Exeter University graduate and former Exeter Chiefs rugby player.

In 2014, we officially became Grace Church Exeter. Our name is an expression of our central message of God’s grace towards all people and marks the start of a new chapter for us as a church.

At the start of 2022, Stu felt called to train as a teacher and Mick Taylor and Dan Roach led the church through a time of transition and looking for a Pastor to join and bring leadership to the team.

In April 2023, Dave, Em, Zach and Joe Rogers moved to Exeter from Ascot and Dave joined the team as Pastor. In June, Dave was appointed as an elder, joining Mick and Dan as the elders of Grace Church.

We’d love you to join us as we explore, experience and express the Christian faith together.

Staff Team

Our Beliefs


Grace Church Exeter is made up of people from many denominations and experiences. We are a local church that believes in the divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Bible. We uphold the historic, orthodox Christian faith as expressed in the Nicene Creed and the Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith.


We believe God the Father reveals himself in person, through his Son. We believe that Jesus shows us what God in heaven is like and that Jesus loved us and gave himself up for us. He took our place in death and was raised to new life that we too might be raised with Him. He is the message of the Bible.


We believe each person is uniquely made in the image of God. Each person has their own story, gifts, hopes and hurts. We believe that God meets us where we are and leads us forward. We seek to help each other discover our new identity in Christ, process our past in a healthy way and deepen our relationship with God.


Jesus calls his followers to love people where they are, without judgment or prejudice, including followers and enemies. We therefore believe that His love speaks into our unique circumstances and situations today both within the church community and in the city around us.


We believe in a spiritual reality as taught in the Scripture. The Holy Spirit fills His people and brings us into relationship with the Father as adopted sons and daughters in God’s family. The Spirit helps us to change and live a fruitful life and oppose evil in the world in many forms. We see the benefit of prayer and see this as central to a life of faith.


We believe creation is a gift from God for us to steward in faith. We seek to use all we have – our possessions, bodies, finances, clothing and waste as ways to honour God and to love others both locally and globally. We anticipate God restoring his creation and take seriously that he has entrusted it to us as we do this.

Our Friends

We are thankful for friends and partners from various parts of the wider church in the UK.  We partner with the Commission family of churches.

Vision – A Spirit-filled Community on Mission

Unless we are directed, and powered and equipped, we will never be able to fulfil our mission…  but the glorious truth is that in Christ, we are….

Read more about our Vision

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